KYRA SPP Peer Review Getting Started Workshop

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

KYRA SPP Peer Review Getting Started Workshop

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

What you need to know

KYRA and Education Development Trust (EDT) Schools Partnership Programme (SPP) have been working together to co-construct a re-invigorated peer review model for Kyra schools and the wider schools community in Lincolnshire. Aligning KYRA’s DNA with the principles of SPP, the aim is to create a supportive school improvement programme at scale, in order to effect wide scale school improvement based on a reciprocal model.

SPP is a sector-led, partnership-based approach to school improvement that has worked with over 1200 schools and larger local systems to date. SPP builds the capacity and capability across partnerships in effective school self-review, peer review and school-to-school support and improvement. The model supports partnerships to take more responsibility for their own development and maturity and ultimately lead their own improvement.

This session represents the starting point of the peer review journey, where schools will establish a baseline to work from.

FOCUS: Where we are now and what we want to achieve as a partnership through the peer review programme in Year 1.


OUTOME: A summary memorandum of understanding will be agreed between each partnership. Roles and responsibilities will be clarified.


WHO ATTENDS: All Head Teachers.


  • Wednesday, September 22, 2021 4:00 PM
  • Timezone: United Kingdom Time
