Angela McGhee

Angela McGhee

On Her Close To You Tour

Saturday, 21st October 2017 at 7:30am – Doors open at 7:10pm
The Serenity Sanctuary

Event description

Angela McGhee is one of the most sought after and most talented mediums in the UK.

* Internationally she tops the polls in the USA for the most believable psychic. After her appearance on living Tv's Psychic Investigators series. 

*Angela has astonished police with her help in solving murder mysteries.

*She amazed scientists and historians with her detailed knowledge of historic events.

*Angela is a columnist for the UK's leading spiritual magazine 'Chat is fate' and a successful author.

*Angela has now written an award winning book 'Angela's Angels'.

*Scientists were amazed at her remote viewing (visions) that they witnessed on a radio show via satellite in America.

*As seen on BBC, ITV, ITV 2 , Living Tv , Channel4 and Local Radio , and has a regular guess slot on USA/ UK radio.

A Psychic Medium and Visionary Blessed with a ‘gift’ from birth.An extremely gifted psychic medium, who is able to visualize past, present and future events, as well as being able to communicate with those who have passed over to the realms of spirit. It was only for the demands for the use of her 'gift' that escalated.,she turned Professional as she began to realise it was her souls purpose in life to do the work she does today

On this evening Angela demonstrates her remarkable gifts as she shares your loved ones light with you one more time.

For further information about Angela and to order her latest book Crime Scene Psychic go to

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Background image by Stew Dean (Creative Commons BY 2.0)