How to Help ADHD

How to Help ADHD

Wednesday, 9th May 2018 at 7:00pm
Centre Supporitng Voluntary Action

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Event information

Event description

About our Event:
This event looks at how individuals with ADHD, their families and those who work with them can help support them in their day to day lives, at school and at work.

  • Our speaker is an inspirational, motivational, and humorous man, with a unique understanding and extensive personal experience of ADHD and coexisting conditions;
  • Our events are always conducted in small groups, have a personal touch and are very informal;
  • Ideal for those who have anxieties over meeting new people or being amongst crowds.

We recommend attendance to our "What is ADHD?" event ( to understand better why the advice given works.

Areas Covered:

  • Introduction to Medication
  • Behavioural Management
  • Dietary Improvements
  • And many more useful aids.
  • Q&A Session;

Refreshments are provided.

Speaker:   Stephen Challen
Steve was first diagnosed at the age of 13 with a condition they called "Food Related Hypersensitivity Disease" which was later combined with other condition titles into a new title of ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder).  He has personal experience of coexisting conditions such as Tourette's Syndrome, OCD, ODD and Dyslexia and more.  He has been married to his wife, Madeline, for 21 years and has three girls and a son aged from 9 - 20 years of age.  His wife suffers from Chiari Type 1 and all four children are various position along the diagnosis / treatment for Tourette's Syndrome, OCD, Dyslexia, and Scoliosis.  He is a recommended speaker for ATL (Association of Teachers and Lecturers) and works tirelessly with families and schools to help improve the outcomes for young people and adults in Essex and across the UK.

Steve and his family use the advice given to control their symptoms to a significantly beneficial level.  It has been proven time and time again to help others with ADHD making families life much, much better.

What do others think of us?
Feedback from ADHD'ers, family members, teachers, LSA and others who attend our meetings are always very positive.  Here is some paraphrasing of comments we've had back from parents who have followed the advice given:

"Steve told us that adjustment would take 2 weeks through to 2 years to see the full benefit; however after 24 hours of introducing the changes my son's teachers asked what we'd done to help him improve his attention and over behaviour.  Two weeks later for the first time ever he asked to go to a restaurant, then invited a friend and despite my reservations in going we had a wonderful time and I even managed to go to the toilet with leaving him alone with his friend and came back to find that restaurant hadn't been trashed!"

This was great feedback.  It is not uncommon for us to hear but we also recognise that many others take longer to work around many of the associated issues they face.  Whether your child is helped quickly or over along period we aim to be here for the long haul.

Here are some feedback messages from our talks:

"We attended the "What is ADHD?" meeting tonight. I would like to say thank you. It was very informative and to hear from someone who has experienced and is living through ADHDas opposed to a consultant who has studied it through a text book was so much more helpful to us and gives us much more insight into our son and his behaviours. It has given us a lot more hope regarding our and his future than we have had so far. Thanks again!"

“Superb presentation, extremely informative.  The presentation was a great mix of background info on the ‘neuro’ science and helpful explanations of behaviour traits.  Made me think about our practice in school.  Thank you very much.  Great to see such quality outreach is available for parents and teachers.”

"A number of our teaching staff attended and we were all very appreciative of your honesty and also highly impressed by what you have achieved.  The impact it has had on the staff was so great, management have recognised that ALL the staff need training to recognise the difficulties and implement strategies into their classroom in order to provide equal educational opportunities to vulnerable learners."

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