The Future of Work in Scotland:  Mapping the Landscape

The Future of Work in Scotland: Mapping the Landscape

Monday, 3rd September 2018 at 1:15pm
The Lighthouse

Event description

PLEASE NOTE: This event has now 'sold out'. If you would like to be added to the reserve/waiting list, please contact Dr Valerie Egdell ( 

This interactive workshop, targeted at senior HR professionals, will examine the effect of key changes in society on the nature and meaning of work in Scotland. The Scottish labour market is undergoing extensive transformation as a result demographic change, digitisation, and the changing organisation of work. Increasing numbers of older workers remain in work. While technological change can deliver cost-savings to business, it potentially threatens job opportunities and raises questions about the appropriateness of current education systems as preparation for work. Increasing numbers of people are becoming trapped in precarious and poor quality jobs.

The event will examine the implications of these changes for HR policy and practice, as well as skills requirements in the Scottish labour market.

This workshop will hear from two speakers who will detail recent academic research into the changing nature and meaning of work. CIPD Scotland will provide an insight into the CIPD’s perspective on these changes. Each speakers will pose ‘one big question’ for debate and discussion.

The event will be led by a visual facilitator who will capture key discussion points in the form of a graphic illustration that will be made available to participants after the event.

The workshop is being organised by Dr Valerie Egdell and Dr Kirsteen Grant from Edinburgh Napier University Business School. Questions regarding the event should be directed to Valerie ( or Kirsteen ( 

Speaker Biographies

Dr Kendra Briken is Chancellor's Fellow at University of Strathclyde. Her research and teaching experience both focus on the study of changes in work and employment. She is particularly interested in critically investigating the management of the Employment Relationship, new technologies at work, and the organisation of innovation. She co-edited a book recently published by Palgrave examining the impact of emerging technology and digitisation in the workplace: Briken, K., Chillas, S., & Krzywdzinski, M. (2017). The New Digital Workplace: How New Technologies Revolutionise Work. London: Palgrave.

Dr Valerie Egdell is an Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University Business School. Her research interests are in equality and diversity in the workplace, focusing on improving the outcomes for disadvantaged groups in the labour market. Her current research is on age management in the workplace, and employer responses to dementia in the workplace. She has undertaken research on behalf of different funders such as the European Commission, the Scottish Government and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.

Jacqueline Forbes (Facilitator), after over 20 years of an international career working as a coach, trainer, speaker and facilitator with great companies Jackie shifted the emphasis of her facilitation support to the visual impact of Graphic Facilitation and Graphic Recording. During her career, she has trained and coached thousands of people to enhance their performance and articulate and pursue their dreams and goals. She have designed and facilitated events that have helped boards to create their strategy and values, leaders to enhance their impact and teams to move towards high performance.

Dr John McGurk is the CIPD’s Head of Regional Policy and Insight. Prior to taking up this key role building CIPD’s capability and impact in the regions, he was Adviser on Learning and Talent Development. He started at CIPD in September 2007 after a multi-faceted career starting as a train driver, becoming an HR academic then Research Director for the UK airline pilots union. John has delivered research and insight on everything from talent analytics to neuroscience.

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