Agriculture 4.0 (The Future of Agriculture)

Agriculture 4.0 (The Future of Agriculture)

Monday, 7th September 2020
Miracle Grand Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand

Event description

Agriculture, Food and Horticulture are key sectors throughout Southeast Asia, accounting for a substantial share of the region's GDP and employing an important part of the workforce. With the increasing populations, climate change, rising level of urbanization and workforce challenges due to rural depopulation in most of the ASEAN countries, there is an urgent need for innovative solutions for the agriculture sector.


Currently, the agriculture sector is undergoing digital transformation with huge potential to producers and the consumers. Introduction of digital agriculture, industrialization and mechanization of production processes, connectivity and data management are now set to unleash the next revolution in the history of agriculture and farming. Utilizing smart IT, Drones, Machine Learning and other advanced technologies and crucially networking these assets enables more efficient use of resources, results in higher yield and production, increase efficiency and productivity and answers to the new environment.


The hosting of the inaugural Agriculture 4.0 Conference and Exhibition 2019 (Agri 4.0) is set to provide an interactive platform to discuss the opportunities offered by disruptive digital technologies to increase productivity, and access to services and markets in the agricultural sector. This will be an unparalleled meeting place for decision-makers, plantation and farms managers, digital leaders, and other business professionals to share knowledge and experience in optimizing the agricultural farming process in the age of technology.


The conference represents a unique opportunity for learning, exchanging opinions, and expanding one's network enabled by live presentations followed by dynamic networking sessions - providing the attendees with valuable insights from specialists in the sphere of agriculture technologies.

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Background image by Yvonne Photography (Creative Commons BY 2.0)