19th -23rd Oct - SyI Virtual Annual Conference 2020 - The Science of Security

19th -23rd Oct - SyI Virtual Annual Conference 2020 - The Science of Security

Come and join us for our Virtual Annual Conference 2020

Monday October 19th – Friday October 23rd 2020

Event description

Date: Monday 19th - Friday 23rd October 2020

Following on from our very successful Annual Conference 2019: People Centred Security. We are back again for our premier CPD event not only will we be extending our Annual Conference across an entire week, with industry thought leaders from all over the world tuning in to present, but we will also be running a virtual week-long exhibition, and a virtual charity auction – which is where you can get involved.

Our conference week will begin daily at 9am, with our first presentation and 10am, meaning delegates will have one hour to enter our virtual exhibition centre and tune into the virtual delegate brochure and browse our online exhibition space. Delegates can then “take their seat” in our virtual conference centre. There will then be an afternoon break with further browsing opportunities across our exhibition hall and on our virtual auction stand, where bidding will commence on numerous items throughout the week.

The Science of Security

Science sits behind the majority of our Security Practices and capabilities. Some are obvious and some less so. The Security Institute Annual Conference 2020 will explore some of the benefits science brings to our ability to protect, influence and develop as security professionals.

Conference presentations will be delivered at 10am and 3pm (BST) daily. That’s why we are calling it a 10-3 conference! The exhibitors will be live in the exhibition hall all week from 9am each day, so you can peruse while you wait for the presentation to start and after they conclude.

The benefit of a 10-3 conference is that we can attract a wide range of expert speakers from time zones ahead of and behind the UK, which we would not have been able to do with a face-to-face conference.

Speakers will present on topics that will consider the importance of Science in all aspects of security, through:

·         Engineering

·         Psychology

·         Technology

·         The Human factors

·         The impacts of connectivity via the Internet of Things (IoT)

·         Forensic sciences

·         Impact of space exploration

Along with a range of other fascinating topics, all of which fantastic learning opportunities about future threats and mitigating theories that will enhance your knowledge and hopefully make you think harder and research further.

This year we will also be hosting an online charity auction from 16th to 23rd October hoping to raise money for the Security Benevolent Fund who have assisted so many struggling security personnel during the pandemic. With prizes from holidays to memorabilia, paintballing to fine dining at venues all over the UK and abroad, we are sure there will be something you would enjoy winning whilst helping us build on the fund that continues to be available to all of you, should you ever need it.

Details of speakers will follow as timeslots are confirmed. Watch them all or watch only one, it’s up to you.

Bookings will close on 15th October at 12noon BST - 1 Booking per person. 

Confirmed Speakers:

19th October - 10:00 - Dominic Fortescue - Govt Chief Security Officer
19th October - 15:00 - CPNI Engineering 
20th October - 10:00 - Engr Arif - SIRA
20th October - 15:00 - Professor Brooke Rogers - Kings College London
21st October - 10:00 - Minter Dial
21st October - 15:00 - Adam Thompson - NaCTSO
22nd October - 10:00 - David Brooks - Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
22nd October - 15:00 - Libby Jackson - UK Space Agency
23rd October - 10:00 - Plenary Session with Mahbubul Islam, Claude Fackha, Tony Gaidhane, Louisa Schneller
23rd October - 15:00 - Charity Auction

Email Jade@security-institute.org for more information on how you can become a sponsor of our 2020 event.

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