Annual Membership Subscription 1st June 2022 - 31 May 2023
Wednesday, 1st June 2022
About AAME – Membership Benefits
The Association of Aviation Medical Examiners is a registered educational charity. Its objectives are to advance, for the public benefit, education and research in aviation medicine and to publish the useful results of such research. In furtherance of the above objectives, the Association arranges an Annual Scientific Meeting.
Membership of AAME is open to medical and health professionals with an interest in aviation and space medicine. Whilst many of our members are practicing Aviation Medicals Examiners (AMEs) both in the UK and overseas, this is not a requirement and membership would be of value to those who are either interested or en-route to becoming an AME.
Benefits of membership include
· Early registration and membership rates for our Annual Scientific Meeting
· Access to our GMC-approved Appraisal and Suitable Person services
· Networking and local AME peer support groups
· Access to the membership section and discussion forum of the AAME website
· Liaison with organisations relevant to AME practice
Suitable Person (SP) Service
Please note - access to the SP service is ONLY available to fully paid-up members of the AAME.
The AAME established an Appraisal and SP service in 2010 to cater for those members who work solely as an AME and who do not have a prescribed connection to any other GMC designated body. Our GMC-approved Suitable Person is Dr. Mushkoor Sheikh, who (similar to a Responsible Officer), will review your appraisals annually and make a revalidation recommendation to the GMC every 5 years.
Annual appraisals can be a carried out with one of our six appraisers, led by our Appraisal Lead, Dr. Peter Munro. Fees for the annual appraisal are paid directly to the appraiser.
Further details on appraisal and the SP service can be found within the Members Section of the AAME website.
If you are a fully paid up member of the AAME, and wish to access the members area, you will need to log on the AAME website. If you have not accessed the members area before, you may need to register by clicking on the following website link -
Communication from AAME will be by email only - please ensure you contact 3D or AAME Secretary if you change your email.
Memberships are valid for annually from 1st June 2022 - 31 May 2023
Refund Policy: Annual Subscription fees are non-refundable. Cancellation of standing orders is the responsibility of individual members.
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