Late Night Fun-splosion

Late Night Fun-splosion

Hastings and Davis Present: Late Night fun-splosion. Stand-up comedy for chill kids and bad asses.

Monday August 15th – Tuesday August 16th 2022
Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore)

Event description

HASTINGS AND DAVIS PRESENT: Late Night fun-splosion. Stand-up comedy for chill kids and bad asses  is…

A “volatile” “experiment” in “late” “night” “stand” “up” “comedy”.

A promising delight.

A grand diversion from many far worse things. 

A comedy utopia as never before seen.

An idea two pals thought up baked? 

Co-hosted by acclaimed comedy heavyweights John Hastings and Laura Davis, featuring highly esteemed guests. Two shows only. Different each night.

15 and 16 August 2022

Monday 15 - 23:05 (90mins) - Carnivore 1 

Tuesday 16 - 22:35 (60mins) - Carnivore 2


Please contact us at for alternative group size arrangements or group bookings of 7 or more. See Terms and Conditions for more information.


Monkey Barrel Comedy

#1 in Edinburgh for Bars & Clubs and Concerts & Shows on Trip Advisor

3-time Scottish Comedy Award winner for Best Club

Scotland’s Best Venue 2020 Chortle Awards.

"Fringe Heroes" - The Metro

"The Best Comedy Club in the World" - Olga Koch

The "Beating Heart" of the Fringe - The Telegraph

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