Wessex League London 2022

Wessex League London 2022

The finals for Wessex League 2022

Saturday December 10th – Sunday December 11th 2022 – Doors open at 9:00am
Battersea Sports Centre

Terms & Conditions for Wessex League London 2022

Disclaimer: By registering you agree to the following statement:

"I understand that whilst every care will be taken to give safe instruction, I accept full responsibility and consider myself fit to participate. I have answered all questions correctly and all medical and health considerations are noted below."

Data Protection & GDPR:

By registering you agree to our Data Protection and GDPR Statement

3rd Parties: By registering you agree to us sharing your data with third parties for the purposes of managing the event, and the sharing of results afterwards. This includes HEMA Scorecard, HEMA Ratings, NHS Test & Trace and potentially venues for the event or evening activities as required. If you do not agree to this we cannot accept your registration. We will never share your data with third parties for marketing purposes or any other reason not directly related to management of the league and related activities.

Refunds policy: tickets are non-refundable, but may be sold and transferred to another party at no extra cost. Please contact us directly to discuss this via email (wessexleague@gmail.com) or facebook.

Wessex League is run as a collaboration between multiple host clubs. If you have been banned from those clubs for safety or behaviour reasons, this will usually be upheld at all Wessex events. If in doubt we would suggest contacting us ahead of registering. 

Gender Policy for Women's Tournaments

The primary intent in the past of the Women's tournament os to support women - as a disproportionately under-represented gender in HEMA - in their desires to be able to compete and test their skills with peers, outside of the Open tournament format where they may experience a variety of issues. However, we recognise that many non-binary fencers also  may be in a similar position. Therefore, this tournament is open to: 

  • Women (for the avoidance of doubt: cis or trans) 
  • Any non-binary fencers who feel the issues above also apply to them, and that their presence in the tournament wouldn’t detract from the aims in regards to women 
Please see the Tournament Rules section of the website (last sub-section) for a more detailed explanation of this policy. 

We recognise that there are a wide range of non-binary genders, and not all of them will feel comfortable participating in the women’s tournament. Our intent is to allow fencers to decide for themselves which tournament option best fits to their gender identity. We will always provide an Open category so that people of any gender are able to compete.

Booking for this event is also subject to the LIVE IT Terms and Conditions

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© 2025 LIVE IT Group Ltd, Registered in England & Wales, number 08432364 at 7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR
LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services and is not an agent for this event or affiliated with its organizers in any way.