By submitting this form, I,
the Parent/Guardian of the registered rider(s):
- agree to them participating
in the Slipstreamers session at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit;
- confirm that I have provided accurate information regarding the rider(s) age and cycling ability and I understand and agree that my child/ children
participate in all activities entirely at their own risk;
- confirm that I have discussed the session with my child/ children and am satisfied that my son/daughter is sufficiently responsible
and competent to assume responsibility for his/her own safety under the direct supervision
of Hillingdon Slipstreamers Club Officials;
- confirm that I have provided accurate medical/ health information, as relevant, to enable the club officials to support my child/ children accordingly;
- agree that in the event of my child requiring medical
attention whilst participating in this club activity, any Club Official with first aid training may
act on their behalf;
- confirm that my child/ children
has read and will at all times abide by the Rider Conduct of Conduct;
- confirm that I have read and will at all times abide by the Parent/ Guardian Conduct of Conduct;
- confirm that I and my child/ children have read all the information provided on these pages, understand the nature of the induction, and are clear on the induction rules and etiquette.
expect all Members and Parents / Guardians to help the club get back on
it's feet. This means that we expect everyone to follow the rules and
protocols we put in place, observe the guidance provided by Coaches to
riders on the day, and take on board anything else we deem appropriate
to run our sessions safely and responsibly.
- Be on time. Once a session is underway, riders won't be able to join. It's essential you are not late.
- Once riders are dropped off for registration, parents/ guardian must move away. Do not congregate in front of the clubhouse.
- Do not go inside the clubhouse, unless to use the toilet.
- Once
coaching is in session, adults are expected to stay away from the usual
congregation hotspots. Use the public park and enjoy the sunshine, away
from the coaching areas. These will be off limits.
- Do
not interrupt coaching sessions or talk to the coaches while coaching
is in session. Wait until the end of the session if you need to discuss
- Observe social distancing rules - this is 2m for our sessions, at all times. Kindly respect this.
- Riders
will be given guidance at registration on how their sessions will work,
particularly with regards to distancing measures. Parents/ Guardians
kindly ensure it is made clear to riders that this will be in place.
- Riders who are deemed to not be cooperating with the rules will be subject to a yellow/ red carding system.
- There will be zero tolerance for unsafe, disruptive and/ or bad behaviour.
If it is deemed people are not following the rules, not cooperating
with expectations, or our Members and/ or Volunteers are being put at
risk, we will review these sessions. We ask you to carefully consider
the above, and if you feel you and/ or your children are unable to
cooperate, do not sign up for sessions.
By submitting this form, you accept the terms and agree to the above.
Data Protection Statement:
All information provided to Hillingdon Slipstreamers
is governed by the relevant Data Protection legislation and is retained
securely at all times.
- Personal data is used purely to enable the Club to deliver our services
- Personal data is accessible only by the Membership Secretary,
with restricted access provided to Club Welfare Officers and Coaches
where necessary and deemed relevant.
- We take your privacy and security
seriously, and no information is disclosed to any third party under any
circumstances - no exceptions.
- Visit our website for further details of how we handle security and privacy.
Booking for this event is also subject to the
LIVE IT Terms and Conditions