Tuesday, 9th May 2023 at 4:00pm
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy - For the purpose of this event KYRA are managing the booking system on behalf of KYRA Research School
KYRA uses a Third Party Data Processor for our booking system BookitBee (LiveIt), the information that we gather from the system is related to each individual event you have booked on, including name, role, organsiation who employ you and email address. We retain this information in electronic form for the duration of our reporting and auditing period for the research school, you can read further details of KYRA Research School's Privacy Policy here. The information we gather regarding individuals access requirements and dietary requirements is deleted after the event. If you pay for any event by debit or credit card, these details are processed by Bookitbee, not Kyra and we do not gather the financial details.
For the purpose of this booking KYRA Research School are the owner of the ticket buyer and attendee data, for further information regarding the systems which Bookitbee use to process your data please see their privacy policy https://terms.liveit.io/privacy-policy/, GDPR compliance information https://terms.liveit.io/gdpr-compliance/ and the third party data processors they use to manage the booking system https://terms.liveit.io/third-party-processors/.
Please be aware that sessions may be recorded for the benefit of participants who find themselves unable to attend. These recordings will be shared securely and will not be used for any other purpose.
This event will be run using Zoom. The Zoom privacy statement is available to view here: https://zoom.us/privacy?_ga=2.165082232.615220967.1600097112-1888812440.1558528687#_Toc44414842
Questions or concerns
If you have any questions about how the GDPR affects you, or would like a copy of our data protection policy, you can contact Jude Smith Kyra Data Protection Lead
Email: jude.smith@kyra.anthemtrust.uk, Tel: 01522 287020
© 2024 LIVE IT Group Ltd, Registered in England & Wales, number 08432364 at 7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR
LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services and is not an agent for this event or affiliated with its organizers in any way.