"Stronger & Wiser"  DBSA TN 2017  Retreat

"Stronger & Wiser" DBSA TN 2017 Retreat

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Saturday September 30th 2017 – Doors open at 8:00am
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville

Retreat Schedule

8 -9 am  Breakfast & Registration

9 am  Retreat Begins

9 - 9:30  Welcome -

Allen Doederlein, President DBSA National

9:30 - 10:15 Keynote: 

We Know Our Way: Developing Our Inner Guide

Listening to ourselves is a critical component of personal empowerment and living a life where we thrive. So often, we stop listening to ourselves as we begin to fear and judge our thoughts, feelings, goals and desires.  It is through diligence and a focus on healthy self-talk that we begin to find the freedom to heal, grow and thrive.  When we utilize quality education, knowledge, healthy support systems and resources, we leave fear, stigma and self-doubt behind and begin to see our desires and dreams as attainable.

 Lisa Beavers, PhD, LPC


10:30-11:15  3 sessions to choose from

Relationship PTSD: It’s Not What You Think

 - Lisa Beavers,PhD, LPC

The presence of stress, fear and disappointment often impact, and even impair relationships. The presence of any mental health concern or diagnosis is often labeled as the cause of relationship challenges, leading to feelings of blame, hurt, anger and shame.  This breakout session explores how the presence of trauma, mood and anxiety diagnoses may magnify already existing, but unidentified, problems with communication, intimacy and sex. During the course of the workshop, Dr. Beavers will discuss how to increase awareness about the dynamic in the relationship and how to turn education and knowledge into relationship wisdom. This session will explore how to begin taking steps to create healthy dynamics and interdependent relationships based on mutuality, empathic connection and a focus on relationship strengths and healthy acceptance in order to eliminate expectations, toxicity, and other barriers to intimacy.


HELP !!!!!  How to Help Those Who DON’T Want It -Carol Rickard LCSW.  

Do you find yourself ever struggling with what to say or how to help someone you care about? Even more challenging is what to do when that person doesn’t want any help. This workshop will give you some tools to help you identify what’s the best type of help you can offer to someone as well as look at some things you DON'T want to do!


Wellness First -Daniel Wolfshadow, BS, WFR, ASIST

11:30-12:15 3 Sessions to choose from

Quantum Touch -Bart Copeland, RN

Quantum-Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energy of the body to promote optimal wellness. Life Force Energy, also known as ‘chi’ in Chinese and ‘prana’ in Sanskrit, is the flow of energy that sustains all living beings. Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results. Quantum-Touch is easy enough to be learned by children, yet powerful enough to astound physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, and a host of health professionals. One of the real joys of this work is that we truly don't know the limits of what is possible. Your love has tremendous impact to benefit those around you


 How to Be Angry WITHOUT Ruining Your Life - Carol Rickard

 HOW do you manage feelings of appropriate and/or inappropriate anger & frustration? Are little things erupting in to big things? Do you have any idea how to stop the eruptions? Are you holding on to anger that is making you sick?  WHAT CAN you do with anger? This session will give you answers! More importantly, it will give you tools to manage anger, instead of it managing you!


 The Red Road to Wellbriety: A Holistic and Spiritual Approach to Resilience - Daniel Wolfshadow, BS,WFR, AIST

This is an invitation to take the Red Road Journey. The term Wellbriety is an affirmation that wholeness is more than the removal of behaviors from an otherwise unchanged life. Wellbriety is larger and provides the tools to change personal identity, values and a visible change in one’s relationship with self and other s. It is about physical, emotional, spiritual and relational health. Wellbriety is founded on the recognition that  we cannot bring one part of our lives under control while other parts are out of control. It is the beginning of a quest for harmony and wholeness with the self, the family, and the community.

The Road to Wellbriety; The Native American Way. (Pg. F) “the road to wellbriety is an invitation…..” (2002)

12:30-1:30 Lunch / Award presentation

1:30-2:00 Keynote: Carol Rickard LCSW

Build Your Strong Wellness Foundation

Getting & staying well goes far beyond just taking medication. Having a strong foundation and the right "tools" for the job can make the difference between staying sick or getting well. Carol  gives a “toolbox” of such tools. It includes a secret blueprint for wellness that was once was only available in a hospital setting.

2:15-3:00 3 Sessions to choose from

  Smiling From The Inside Out- Dorey Nolan 

Ai Chi, Gentle Exercise -Eileen Koesy, LPTA, ATRIC, CPR    

 This brief workshop is a combination of sitting & standing. It will be accompanied by soothing gentle instrumental music to help with relaxation and focus.  Besides gaining flexibility & stability in the core and limbs, Ai Chi promotes balancing of the entire nervous system, which then positively affects all systems of the body. It leaves you feeling refreshed, less "in your head" and more connected to body/mind & spirit.    


Learning Your Coping Style - Lauren Martin, LPC-MHSP

  Individual coping skills vary, based on one's temperament and coping style. What your coping style? Undercontrolled or Overcontrolled. This session gives information on how determine if you are OC or UC. Lauren will educate on effective, everyday tools to use for each style.

3::15- 4:15 Professional  Question & Answer

4:15-4:30 Close

Social hour time to connect with presenters, leaders, and others.


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Background image by Stew Dean (Creative Commons BY 2.0)