By submitting this
form, I, the Parent/Guardian of the registered Slipstreamers member(s):
- consent to them participating in this Hillingdon
Slipstreamers off-site Club Mountain Biking coaching session at Woodrow High House;
- confirm that I
have provided accurate information regarding the rider(s) age and cycling
ability, I understand and agree that my child/ children participate
entirely at their own risk, and I agree that no liability on the part of
Hillingdon Slipstreamers is applicable in the respect of any injury,
provided this has not arisen due to the Club’s negligence;
- have considered the nature of the terrain that will be
used for coaching and confirm that I have discussed
the session with my child/ children and am satisfied that my son/daughter
is sufficiently responsible and competent to assume responsibility for
his/her own safety under the direct supervision of Hillingdon
Slipstreamers Club Officials;
- confirm that I
have provided accurate medical/ health information on my child's
membership record, as relevant, to enable the club officials to support my
child/ children accordingly;
- agree that in
the event of my child requiring medical attention whilst participating in
this club activity, any Club Official with first aid training may act on
their behalf;
- confirm that my
child/ children has read and will at all times abide by the Rider Conduct
of Conduct;
- confirm that I
have read and will at all times abide by the Parent/ Guardian Conduct of
- confirm that I
have read ALL the information pages, understand the nature of the off-site
session, am clear on the session rules and of participation.
- confirm that by
submitting this booking I accept and agree to these terms.
Booking for this event is also subject to the
LIVE IT Terms and Conditions