Saturday, 26th January 2019
at 9:00am
– Doors open at 9:00am
Hillingdon Cycle Circuit
This is an opportunity for you to find out more about us as well as us understanding a bit more about you and your cycling needs. You will be welcomed by the Volunteer staff who will guide you through the registration process, after which there will be a induction briefing, followed by an on the bike assessment so our Coaches can see for themselves where your skills lie. Attendance at an induction does not mean you will automatically become a Slipstreamers Member, but it will provide you with further details regarding our trial period and next steps available to you after the induction.
Our aim is to ensure your first experience at the club is friendly and without any hiccups, but we will need you to pay attention to a few very specific matters, as noted below.
Appropriate cycling kit – please ensure you are dressed appropriately to suit the weather, and that you are not wearing any loose fitting clothes that may get caught up in spokes or wheels. We don’t expect you to be wearing full race gear but your clothing does need to be safe!
A helmet – if you are cycling, you must wear a helmet. No exceptions.
Gloves – if it's warm, short fingered are fine. Otherwise we recommend long-fingered.
A drink and a snack for break time and after the session.
A bike with which you are familiar.
Visit our Rider Resources safety section for a more information and guidance regarding the above.
Once you’ve parked safely in the car park, please make your way to the clubhouse.
Registration is from 9am - all riders need to be signed on by 9.20am. Please don’t be late.
You will be provided with a welcome pack and asked to complete a form – this needs to be completed and signed by a parent/ guardian with parental responsibility for the child.
Children, not parents, will sign themselves on.
After sign-on, you will be asked to wait inside the Clubhouse until all inductees have arrived. Please do not wander off.
All children and parents will then be gathered and personally welcomed with an introduction and overview of the club, as well as a safety briefing.
There is no payment required for the induction session.
After the welcome and briefing, riders are handed over to the assessment
Coaches, who will first of all do a bike and clothing check to make
sure you are safe and cycle-worthy. Check out our Rider Resources for what we expect.
During the session, Coaches will run a selection of skills based activities to assess rider proficiency. Basic concepts of cycling will be introduced to the
rider to ensure they have the very minimum understanding of safety
within our environment. All riders, no matter how good you believe you
are, are expected to follow the instructions of our
Coaches and we expect cooperation during this process.
The Coaches will then decide on the best progression route for each rider. Once we understand rider needs and skills have been assessed, riders are directed to the various groups accordingly. Some will remain where they are if they need to gain more confidence and skills away from the bigger groups, whilst the majority will join our bronze development programme where they will learn the foundation skills for riding on the circuit or becoming a mountain biker. No inductee is permitted to ride on the circuit during the main
Saturday sessions until they have completed their induction and have
passed the Bronze assessment (once becoming Members); or unless
accompanied and/ or signed off by a Coach to do so.
This is all done at the discretion of our highly experienced Coaches, who will ensure each child is guided according to their skills and ability, and what the children are comfortable with. Every one of our coaching team are British Cycling trained and certified, so all cycling is done under the care and guidance of individuals who really enjoy what they do and are here to ensure children are taught how to cycle safely in a comfortable environment; and equally important, enjoying themselves.
You have come prepared and have read all the resources and information provided to you – we have taken the time to provide you with all the necessary information you need, and in return we expect you to kindly read these.
© 2025 LIVE IT Group Ltd, Registered in England & Wales, number 08432364 at 7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR
LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services and is not an agent for this event or affiliated with its organizers in any way.