Slipstreamers New Rider Induction - January 2019

Slipstreamers New Rider Induction - January 2019

Saturday, 26th January 2019 at 9:00am – Doors open at 9:00am
Hillingdon Cycle Circuit

Terms & Conditions for Slipstreamers New Rider Induction - January 2019

By submitting this form, I, the Parent/Guardian of the registered rider(s):

                        1. agree to them participating in the induction session at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit;
                        2. confirm that I have provided accurate information regarding the rider(s) age and cycling ability and I understand and agree that my child/ children participate in all activities entirely at their own risk;
                        3. confirm that I have discussed the induction with my child/ children and am satisfied that my son/daughter is sufficiently responsible and competent to assume responsibility for his/her own safety under the direct supervision of Hillingdon Slipstreamers Club Officials;
                        4. confirm that I have provided accurate medical/ health information, as relevant, to enable the club officials to support my child/ children accordingly;
                        5. agree that in the event of my child requiring medical attention whilst participating in this club activity, any Club Official with first aid training may act on their behalf;
                        6. confirm that my child/ children has read and will at all times abide by the Rider Conduct of Conduct;
                        7. confirm that I have read and will at all times abide by the Parent/ Guardian Conduct of Conduct;
                        8. confirm that I and my child/ children have read all the information provided on these pages, understand the nature of the induction, and are clear on the induction rules and etiquette.

                        Data Protection Statement:

                        1. All information provided to Hillingdon Slipstreamers is governed by the relevant Data Protection legislation and is retained securely at all times.
                        2. Personal data is used purely to enable the Club to deliver our services
                        3. Personal data is accessible only by the Membership Secretary, with restricted access provided to Club Welfare Officers and Coaches where necessary and deemed relevant.
                        4. We take your privacy and security seriously, and no information is disclosed to any third party under any circumstances - no exceptions.
                        5. Visit our website for further details of how we handle security and privacy.

                        Booking for this event is also subject to the LIVE IT Terms and Conditions

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