Slipstreamers New Rider Induction - January 2019

Slipstreamers New Rider Induction - January 2019

Saturday, 26th January 2019 at 9:00am – Doors open at 9:00am
Hillingdon Cycle Circuit

Rider Code of Conduct

During your induction and trial period, you agree to the following Code of Conduct and are expected to uphold it at all times while taking part in a Slipstreamers session. Failure to follow the Rider’s Code of Conduct will result in the rider being asked to leave the Club and you will not have the option of taking up Membership.

Rider Safety

  • All riders must follow Coaches’ instructions at all times.

  • All riders MUST wear a helmet and gloves whenever on their bike.

  • All riders must stay with their assigned group unless authorised by a Coach or Club Official to leave the group.

  • All riders should wear suitable kit at all times. Visit the Rider Resources on the website for guidance.

  • All riders should check with a Coach or Club Official when going to the apron at the start of the session or after a rest break.

  • All riders are expected to make sure their bike is safe to ride and in the correct gearing for their age group before the session. Visit the Rider Resources on the website for guidance.

IMPORTANT: Riders accept that bikes adjusted or repaired by Club Officials as requested by the owner are done so at the owner’s risk, and the Club cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from this however caused.

Rider Conduct

  • All riders should treat their fellow club mates, Coaches and Club Officials with respect at all times. This includes respecting ability, gender and culture.

  • Bullying or taking advantage of another rider is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. This includes distracting or deliberately provoking another rider.

  • Swearing, inappropriate language or any other form of verbal abuse is not acceptable.

  • Smoking and alcohol are not allowed during sessions. The use of any illegal drug is completely unacceptable and prohibited.

  • Whilst you are attending an induction/ trial at Hillingdon Slipstreamers, you will ensure your behaviour is responsible and courteous towards fellow cyclists and all the Volunteers who go out of their way to help you.

Please treat others as you expect to be treated.

IMPORTANT: By booking a place on this induction session you confirm you agree to the above Rider Code of Conduct.

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